Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Shadow of the Beastman

Deep in the bizarre erotic Toyverse...a few week twilights later.

Sooner or later he would find me.
Vorgo,the Beastman and one of his beastie minions appear in the dead of night,in Ivana's bedroom when I least expect it. I stood on a moonlit veranda with a knife at my side and a hand over mouth. Vorgo whisper "No funny busness toy." I'm terrified to move as I stood on the veranda facing the jungle. I could feel another pair of hands binding my wrists behind my back and around my ankles. Vorgo slid his knife in its sheath, and toss my nude runt bound body over his shoulder. I moan softly as his firm powerful fingers assert his control over me as I hardly squirm for fear paralyized my body.
  Like some superhuman,he jumps from the veranda followed by his ugly beastie companion.
  A rumble of thunder highlights the surreal sky.

I figure Vorgo must've have been plotting my recapture for sometime. He waited for the right moment to grab me. Seconds later the powerful beastman is away from the Queen Goblin's keep for its only a shadow in the mist. They had commondeer some huge ugly blackwidow like arachnids for transport. Vorgo didn't waste no time in resting me close to him on the mane of his steed as he and his companion now move through the moonlit shadows of the erotic jungle. His firm powerful hand keeps me in place as he keeps it on my bare ass. I feel the weight of the bolas on my ankles as I lay helpless and at his mercy.
 "You thought you could escape me runt?" Vorgo declares. "You're a strong worthy toy to be sold."
  "So you told me," I mutter.
 I grit my teeth as he squeezes my bare ass. My world again spins in slow motion combine with fast as the haughty beastman guides his strange monster blackwidow arachnid through the erotic jungle. The thunder grows louder and rain starts to fall. Vorgo licks his lips of the sweet rain as I lay getting soaked.
 I feel his giant fngers keep me close to him. He doesn't give a clue what his plans are for me yet. Since my capture by the Cult of Vartek he's obessessed over me for reasons unknown.
We move father away from Ivana's keep.
 I'm now under the shadow of the beastman once again.

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