Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Vorgo Redux

Deep in the erotic jungle of the Toyverse...
Hana's Relm a few twilight later...

I couldn't shake the fact I'm being stalked and hunted by something unknown. For I see it's eyes in the dark shadows frequently from time to time. Nana dismiss it as a hallucation for some plants in the jungle have subtle properties that cause hallucation with the eyes and mind. Yet my instincts tell me differently that it's alive. What I have no idea...but something hideous I suspect. Whatever is watching is taking thier time.
Ready for the right moment.

It's only a few of us here in the unnamed strange eons city which is now ruled by Queen Nana. She didn't rule with a firm hand at all. Today we're outside near an ancient pool where colorful large roses are now sprouting out. She lays her head in my lap and I gently stroke her long black hair. She wishes she could return to her beloved Egypt but can't. She doesn't want to disrupt the lines of time and space which governs some parts of the universe. She explain in simple terms more about the Toyversew. Her theory is it may been a young earth at one time,a second earth in our solar system and when the meteor struck the earth and whipped out the dinousours,it sent the young double earth out into space quickly and the powerful sun of this system trap it in its gravity field. But still the Toyvrese is a dangerous place if one is not careful.
Nana is happy here I can tell and she adjusted.She shedded her former Cleopatra long ago for her own sake.
"I'm going to let you go," the queen declares. "Forge your destiny.
She gives me her golden dagger and tie it to my leg. She hard kisses me for the last time.
So I follow unknown footpath back into the erotic jungle. I find some fruit and eat for a while. Still I have that sense of being hunted. Along the way I kill a giant spider with the dagger and drink its tasteful blood.
When I roam into an open patch of field with sweet smelling colorful roses and tulips. With my guard down,it's here I'm captured by him again. Vorgo,the beastman, overwhelm me and quickly disarm me. I didn't put much of a fight. Quickly he and his componnion hefty beastman quickly bound me.
 Seconds later I rest on Vorgo's leopard horse as his powerful hand anchors me down; fear and panic have now taken over as my bare ass rests under his powerful hand.
 He smiles that he has his toy back. As Vorgo gallups off into the dark erotic jungle....

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