Deep in the lush erotic jungle of the Toyverse...
Nena's vast jungle courtyard. Twilight.
The goblin like intrlopers havw been waiting for sometime.
After making out wit Nena in the lush part of the garden,she mysteriously depart and I was satisified with the encounter. I didn't know prying eyes had been watching us waiting for thier moment strike. The jingle courtyard is open to the erotic jungle but it's protected by a huge canopy of larger than life erotic shape jungle trees which dwarf me in size.
I was meandering on a footpath back to her castle when the strange goblins jump me. A huge unearthy hand grabs me and pulls into the darkness of a towering tree. The same large hand quickly bind my wrists behind my back. Glowing eyes stab at me greedily as stand reak with terror.
"Who are you." I burst out.
"Shut up toy," I feel a slim knife under my chin. "Someone wants you."
My abductors hustle me along. The malevolent looking goblins whatever they are, lead on another footpath out side of Nena's castle and its imposing turrets. I fugure the interlopers had plan my abduction for sometime.
For about an hour, we stroll down a glowing a footpath that leads toward small imposing tower in a beautiful clearing. A goblin licks his lips at my small body as if the two have a plan to cook me over a fire.
Howevre,this isn't the case.
We enter the tower and journey up a stone spiral staircase toward the top. The intimidating goblins lead me to the top where luschious redhead hardbod babe stands by her hideous looking dragonfly.
She says "Yous've found him.Bring him."
The malevolent goblins do as they're told.
The RedQueen as she's calls herelf grabs me and lifts me onto the mane of the dragonfly. She dismisses them and I feel a hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm of gossamer wings. Her powerful fingers keep anchor as I squirm and I hear her laughter.
Moments later we're above the erotic jungle and I have no idea why this RedQueen wants me as her fingers clutch my bare ass...
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