Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Prize of the Toyverse

Deep,somewhere in the glistening erotic jungle of the Toyverse.
A heavy tropical like storm with thunder and lightening.Eerir echos of strange monsters unknown which inhabit the erotic like jungle. Blood chilling roars which make the walls of the temple shake along with the crashing surreal thunder.

 I lay in crumble marble hand with my wrists and ankles bound. The masked malevolent high priest runs his ceramoniol knife down my stomach toward my groin.His greed flashes in his eyes as his mysterious high preistness stares att me like I'm some hungry morsal. The high priest turns toward his high priestess: "The runt human is perfect for the sacrifice into the pool."
 He disappears up a stone staircase and the masked high priestess remains behind and waits for the high priest to disappear. She approaches me where I lay and places her hand on my chest and gives me a hard kiss on the lips.
 She remarks "You're tasty but we have to to do it.For SharNar."
 The enigmatic high priestess then waves her hand over my eyes and I fall asleep.

Moments later...
 The storm rage as did the huge strange red pool churning with life. Whatever SharNar is,I didn't want to think about. Around the pool the SharNar chants are heard. No,this cult didn't believe in cutting thier sacrifices instead throwing them in the water to some unknown god who might not exist.
 Upon the last chant,the powrrful high priest points his finger at me and orders "Throw him in for SharNar."

I splash and plummet into the strange red water. Something amoebe like opens itw mouth as I plumme downward but a strong hand seize my ankles. Next thing I rest on the back of a creatur unknow as it swims toward a coral like cavern. The underground stream sweeps ups away from the monster of the pool. I have no idea once again whose captures me. The creature continues to swim for the next few minutes...

 A small pond near a field of giant colorful tulips.
 The creature, turn out to be a beautifu buxem hardbod babe name Nena. She cuts my ankle bonds but still keeps my wrists bound. "Sorry toy."
  I don't same anything instead I let raise me to my feet. Still soaken wet she orders to march. The storm has long since cleared and Nena whoever she is marches me off as new found prize of the Toyverse....

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