Thursday, October 10, 2024

Cannibals of SharNar

 Somewhere in the erotic jungles of Toyverse... somewhere 

The surreal hurricane washes me up on an unfamiliar shore. I don't recall how long I rode the wave but it crash into the erotic jungle rolling me upon the surreal shore. I arose intact staring at the jungle with an eerie calmness in the air. Behind me the sun is setting and sunet made thte strange tourquois sand sparkle. 

Still I'm lost again in the erotic Tovyerse... at the sametime I had a sense Nena is on my trail and I can't shake her. Being small,nude in unknown jungle I'm easily vulnerable to those who want me and with others like Vartek and even Doppleganger Nena they snatching me would be as easy since I found myself here in the bizarre weird toyverse. 

Eerie sounds echo in the erotic jungle as the large erotic looking jungle trees are like a canopy with their big roots. Still I find a path which I navigate still even a hungry predator monster would frequently chase me for dinner but often I got lucky. 

In this jungle I have no idea what lingers but I feel eyes watching and stalking me like I'm some priceless jewel to be sought. And in this unknown jungle I have no idea what is waiting. 

Still so far, so good. 

I stumble across some larger than life ancient ruins. Still being lost I think about those who want me. I'm distracted looking. The large ancient stones whatever they are decortate along the path but I have no idea where I am unitil I see the words Jungle of SharNar. Whatever that means. I stop. 

Suddenly some creepy muscle shadows seize me. I stand startle as many mutant painted faces stare at me and once of them siezes my wrists and reties them behind my back. The savage looking murants whatever seem to take pleasure in my capture. 

"Don't let the toy flee," I hear a gutteral malevolent order. Fearful of these savage charactors I march forward with them. With my dork showing nautrally one them knew I'm priceless and kept staring at me hungryly; then another mutant gather me in his arms and over his shoulders for his fingers held on me frimly as I struggle as they disappear in the dusk of the erotic jungle....

Friday, April 26, 2024

Shardo;s Realm (an alt tale)

 Deep somewhere in the erotic jungles of the Toyverse... 

I'm lost. 

I have no idea where I am. For the jungle is vast and with the sunsetting this toy doesn't know where I am. Much less where in this large erotic jungle. Yet the jungle doesn't feel right. There's something off and already I feel like I'm stalked maybe by witch or a goblin or whatever would love to get thier paws on me. The eerie sounds are haunting and the eerie roars of the shadowy larger creatures make me shudder. 

But still I move forward. I hear a boom of thunder in the distance. I sense rain coming and this jungle doesn't have shelter but giant mushrooms sprout here and there. I hear running stream and dive nude into it and I swim a few meters and surface again in an open surreal meadow. Still I'm being stalk at the edge of the jungle and nude,defensless to fight back. 

As I roam through the field, the thunder fades. The meadow is vast and unknown but the erotic jungle is at the edge not far from the open field. I venture into the opposite direction not seeing the Tresspasser sigh Beware. 

As the sun sets,the glowing moonrises and I feel the strange jungle swallow me. I don't know where I am. I have no idea what has been following me or wants me. It could be anything. I venture forward down the path and I make it to some ruins. That's when they showed up. 

Several hidous muscle ghouls appeear and quickly size up. I stood surrounded on the stone floor out in the open. There's no telling what these garish ghouls would do with me. 

"Bound him." 

As I stood feel large muscle hands bound my wrists behind my back and once done, I'm shove off the floor. Bewildered another grab my small nude bod and toted me over his shoulder there's no telling what I step into as the ghouls march off with me as thier strange catch. 

"At keast this toy is fresh," One of them says. I squirm madly. Another says "Shardo is going to love what we caught on this night." 

The strange ghouls march off with name Shardo runs this land. 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Power of Love

 Somewhere in the erotic Toyverse,,,, 

Zira and I made out in amidst a strange broken Stonehenge in the clearing between jungles. A waterfall sounds highlight loud it clear as if those who built the ruins are ment not to be found. As Zira and I liplocked and her nails dug into my flesh we felt the ground hmm and shook. 

"What's going on?" Zira ask. She's scare and I pulled her close. Fear of the unknown now took over. Yet something different is happening for the both us. A ground whirlpool forms near us and the spiing soil mix with water suddenly spins and fades. We feel another the whirlpool's power Zira holds on and I cling her tight. We fall into the blackhole---

Blackness,lights....sounds of a running shower....

Zira and I come to in all places a large hotel shower. As I stroke her now shoulder length dark brown hair with a blue streak, she comes too. We stare at the hotel bathroom large and familiar looking. I knew we're back on earth but does Zira? 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah," Zira says with a saucy british accent. "But I don't think Zira is my name. She flips her wrist and she sees her real name on her name bracelet: DAVINA. She stares as the shower water splashes us both. "I'm not Zira but Davina." 

:"Yes, Chuck met you on a yacht last night and we went out to drinks. I showed you a strange trinket and we passed out in bed." 

Davina and I get to our feet and she turns the shower off and we dry ourselves off. She quickly dress in her leather leggings her red blouse and leathre jacket. It;s my hotel room and I dress in my casuals with jeans and tennishoes. I quickly see the name of the hotel where we are... FOUNTAINBLEAU, MIAMI, SOUTHBEACH.  

We're in a penthouse and the sun streams through sliding doors. For some reason Davina stays close but finds her Iphone and smartphone on the floor she checks battteries of both. "Dead. Needs charging.Damn." 

"Put'em on the chargers." I state and I add, "Daavina feel free to stay for a while. As long as you like." 

She agrees. 

After making coffees, we both venture out to the balconey. The Florida Sun baths us both and I glance at the yachts in the Atlantic. Davina are still bewildered by what happen yet still we don't recall as we discuss among outselves. Her own memory of Zira whoever she was is dim. My own memory just bits and pieces. 

Davina and I agree to forget about it but we're soulmates as if the univere will some mystical power we couldn't explinan. 

"Davina strokes my hand she says with a smile, "The power of love, darling" 

For now we didn't know what to do. Afterall We Have All The Time in the world decide what to do and where to go... 

One door closes, for us another opens... 

The End 

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Charge of Zira

Somewhere in the erotic Toyverse early evening... 

Ominious large shadows fill the setting alien some carnivore plants and insectovore sprout alive. The large twisted jungle trees form a skylight canopy.... a smell of sweet rain near. 

The exotic bluehaired queen tighen my bolas and gently nudge my smal nude body forward. I sense her triumph of gettting me for some odd reason whatever it is she hasn't revealed it. I feel her power radiatte from her as we me move down an unfamiilar stone path that leadss somewhere. Zira states "You want to know what happens when the redqueen catches you? She'll banish you back into the jungle." 


 "No one doesn't really know. She's mysterious." 

  "I see." 

Minutes later... 

Her mutant consorts not many join up with her and she orders the toy not to be harmed. "Toy belongs to me." That statement settled everything... 

In a small group of ruins Zira had another steed waiting this time a huge beattle land bug. She isn't taking chances and she orders one her mutants to gatther me. It does and I rest over his shoulder I feel some heavy bolas wrapped my ankles. 

Zira climbs on her beattle bug and one of her mutants transfers me to her. She lays me effortsly on the mane near the saddel her cool blue fingers are like a vice on my bare ass. I squirm as she gets underway. The journey isn't over for sure....her beattle disappears into the jungle deeper into the jungle. Monstrous roars highlight the journey aad thunder booms. She's in control. 

"Rain will suit you my little one," Zira says softly. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Mysterious BluehairedQueen, Helpless Toy

 Somewhere in the bizarre skys of the Toyverse...near sunset twilight..

Her raven screeches in the air. 

Her long blue hair blows in the wind as her eyes stare at me fascination as I feel her firm long fingers on my bare ass. Her blue glitter mask sparkles under a setting sun and her glow red eyes stare at me as she licks her lips. 

I'm speechless staring at her. For I feel her power,whatever strange powers she poessess. She appears young and human but all babe. 

"My nanme Zira," The blue haired queen proclaims. I feel her tongue lick my cheek and she says "Now I have you my toy of earth." 

She steers her raven toward the west. For the sun sets behind us slowly. Zira, the Blue haired Queen loves to be in charge. 

 I didn't ask questions. I'm her conquest and it's often wise to be quiet. Yet this Bluehaired queen knows what she's doing. Her flight in the sky is short. 

She lands her raven in a clearing decorated with strange ruins. I have no idea where we are but we're far from Ark. 


 With my wrists bound behind my back, I march small nude under her control. Her strange finger staff keeps in control and she frequently prods me with it. She doesn't tell me where we're going but I suspect her own lair in this dark swath of jungle. All ready the eerie jungle sounds permeate it as we walk along a solid footpath. 

Zira the Mysterious Bluehaired Queen controls all it appears. 

"My Chuck of Earth you're going to be my fun," She says with her seductive voice. 

We con't to march toward her lair somewhere amdist the twisted erotic jungle trees of the Toyverse... 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Renegade Redqueen Capture Toys (Alt tale)

 Danger lurks in the Toyverse 

The small lake clearing Nena and I thought we were safe but we didn't realize that trouble lurk for the both of us and it often finds us. A setting sun made the lake glow gold as Nena and rolled over embracing each other. We didn't know what trouble and danger linger around here for we didn't cared. 

For both of us a huge mistake--

We're making out as always when the ghoulish beastie intruders appear. A voice growls "Grab them." 

 Nean and I are on our feet and we stand nude as our strange captors bind our wrists behind our backs. With my dork showing it's as if they knew who we are. The regal ghouls march us back into the strange jungle it's as if something had been looking for two toys and it found us. We march quietly and the ugly faces make sure we don't escape them. 

Something powerful wanted us and they found us. Nena and I march bewildered,confuse as the ghouls keep us in our place. We know these charactors aren't about to let us go. 

"Can you at least tell us who wants us," Nena says causally. 

The ghouls stare at us but don't say anything as if they want us to find out for ourselves. We con't to follow the clan toward thier destination as early evening dusk sets in and eerie crys are heard. Nena and i march toward some eerie looking surreal ruins which torchlights and flames. 

Seocnds later 

Nena and I presented as capture toys. We don't say anything a lone redhaired queen scopes us out. The queen says to one of her ghouls "They'll suit my needs just fine." 

Before Nena and I could get a word her ghouls prod us and march us away. We question what could she mean? 

I figure Nena and I would know soon enough.... 

Friday, August 4, 2023

Bluehaired Queen of the Toyverse

 Somewhere in the erotic vast jungles of the Toyverese....night 

The surreal storm hid us. 

Ark contines to march me down a smooth path. The erotic jungle feels quiet and ominous as we transverse. For now Ark has the advantage the half human/half numph has his own plans for me. What plans I have no idea but this strange nymph has power and he's using it to dominate me since I'm smaller. Something is up but I don't know what. 

The erotic jungle takes an eerie,surreal,unfamiliar tone  about it.The jungle  leaves are larger as are the strange mushrooms, and carnivore flowers which dot thte path.  Where this path ends only Ark knows and he prods me forward. 

I comply for the half human/half nymph gives me no choice. The jungle feels large and eerie as everything dwarfs me. Ark keeps me in my place as I march quietly. The glade jungle is eerie and unfamiliar. One thing Ark knows the destination and perhaps he knows what he's doing since to some I'm priceless for some reason. 

A strange reason. Reasons unknown. 

We reach clearing decorated with ruins and a the light shines on an exotic regal caped blue haired babe with incredible eyes. I sense her scoping me out. 

"You found him," she murmurs. 

"I did.I figure you want him blue haired." 

The mysterious Blue Queen whoever approaches me and I smell her perfume as she checks me out touching me all over. "He's perfect. I'll take him." 

The Blue Queen takes control of me and marches my small nude bod toward her multicolor wing raven and she lifts up to his mane. As Ark departs her beautiful raven ascends to the skys as I feel her fingers on my hare ass. 

All I can think is who is she? As I feel her fingers...

Cannibals of SharNar

 Somewhere in the erotic jungles of Toyverse... somewhere  The surreal hurricane washes me up on an unfamiliar shore. I don't recall how...

Altar of Sacrifice