Sometime after midnight somewhere in the erotic Toyverse.
I had slept for a long time. The last thing I recall is making with the Goblin Queen Lisa intensely. Then with no explaination I had been set free.
I stir awake on the grassy floor of the chamber where I had been taken too and I hear the sounds of a waterfall in a nearby chamber. I rise up in the under the skylight of a bright moon shining its rays downward and stretch my limbs. My mind is fully awake and outside all is quiet.
I venture into the next chamber and I see a stature shooting rainbow color water downward. The eyes of the statue which shoots the rainbow water act like they're alive for they stare at me. A voice echos "GO LOOK."
I do so and I venture to the edge of a smooth stone. I stare as the surreal rainbow waterfall shoots downward into the surreal rainbow colored stream below. I step closer for a closer look--
I feel the stone give way under my feet and I plummet into stream below. I fall quickly and I hit the cool waters like a rock and I swim back up to the surface. I get a better look around me and I see I'm in an underwater,cavern stream. In this cavern stream the only signs of life I see are small fishes. I swim for a few moments quickly and I pull myself up to what appears to be a carved arch with ancient stone steps.
I stand soaken wet and I feel air from the mysterious cavern. I walk up the steps taking my time. I reach what appears the first level with sparse plant life. The warm air from above feels stronger and I see the second set of steps.
I walk up the second set steps and I emerge back in the erotic jungle. Large colorful surreal mushrooms and roots of the huge erotic jungle triees with surreal design looking foilage highlight the landscape in front of me. I see the glowing path in front of me...
I follow the path in front of me that's when I'm jumped by huge ghoulish shadows. I'm quickly bound and I'm hustled over a beefy shoulder. My two ghoulish abductors disappear down a path highlighted by glowing fungi. I have no idea who jumped me.
Moments later..
I'm drop on a parapet of grass and I see a small group of hidious ghouls and then I see a feminine foot. I look upward and a Korean looking regal hardbod queen looks at me with delight. "Ah Chuck of Earth I've been expecting you," she says.
"Who are you?"
"Queen Jung. Toy." She raises me to my own feet and wet dork glows under the moonlight. I feel her hands touch me all over. Satisfied she marches me toward her hidious looking flying scarab and she climbs on it first and then she lays me on chest close to her. I can smell her exotic perfume as I feel her slim fingers on my bare ass.
As her scarab rises she kisses me affectionaly on my cheek. I squirm under her fingers as she gently squeezes me and strokes me. "Calm down my toy Chuck of Earth..."
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