Somewhere in the vast erotic jungles of Scorcho,along the surreal coast of the Tovyerse…
Hours later...
WitchQueen Orange calls her land,her relm,Scorcho Land of Magic.
Her fork tongue lick my cheek as she guides her hideous wasp over her land dubbed Scorcho. The storm has long since past and the exquisite WitchQueen Orange now banks her hideous wasp toward the mysterious land Scorcho. I feel her long nails peirce my flesh as she grips me hard as her black wasp sweeps over an erotic black canopy of jungle trees flourishing along a neon azure beach close to an algae green ocean. A primitive stone jetty shoots out from the beach. Huge broken statues rise out of the algae colored ocean.
Queen Orange murmurs,"I rule this small kingdom. Soon will be at my temple keep my Chuck of Earth."
"You know magic?" I ask casually.
"Of course. I inherited Scorcho when I feel here from earth's future. Around 2075." She pauses glances around as she guides her insect steed toward a weird looking castle adjacent to the ocean. "I don't recall when. How about you?"
"What you would consider earth's past 2017 sometime. I found a strange glowing rock and next thing I'm here in some unworldly place. Only thing I remember I was particles in space."
"Toyverse called for you my toy," The WitchQueen Orange declares softly.
Satisdied I state, "Call for me. Strange."
She lands her wasp with a thud where jungle and sand meet. Some hideous dark troll figures appear with strange fang teeth. Still bound of the her loyal trolls grabs me from her wasp and throws me over its huge shoulder. Orange advises "Darling to don't be break the human toy I have use for him."
"Yes,your majesty," The troll states obediently.
We disappear down a stone path leading toward her weird looking castle temple. I feel the troll's grip of his big hands as they follow thieir queen down the path. As we draw closer to her keep,I smell the Queen's sweet perfume step down toward a secret passage toward her keep.
Her land of Scorcho is still a mystery. Which couples the mystery what this Queen Orange why she wants me is a still the enigma.
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