Somewhere in the erotic Toyverse several twilight nights...
Queen Shan decided to sacrific me.
Which disappointed her high priests but they didn't object.
With my wrists bound,I march under Shan's short spear staff toward her surreal large dragonfly steed. Once I layed nude on the mane I feel her strong fingers on my bare ass. I squirm helpless as her grip tightend and her dragonfly steed quickly ascend into the heavens.
"Where are we going?" I beg,plea.
"No need to plea my toy of earth." She says with a touch malevolence in her voice. "You'll find out."
She clutch me firmly,obessessively as we flew fatther from the Vartek temple. I could only guess wihat the queen of the cult has in mind. The huge thunderheads hid us like a fog in the sky with its surreal lightening flashing here and there. I felt her power over me.
A few hours later...
Her dragonfly settles down in a patch of field close the jungle with huge orange like leaves. Again with my wrists tied behind bare back and my dork showing, Shan marches toward some odd ruins near the jungle. Her shadow dwarfs me as I march and obey....
Seconds Shan and I are making out under the moonlight when the strange ghoulish armed intruders appeared out of no where. The muscle ghouls grabbed me quickly and once again my wrists are quickly retied behind my back. I stood as one of the strange ghouls turned Shan to stone with a crazy looking sceptor. The ghouls quickly march me out of the ruins into the strange erotic Halloween like jungle with bizarre pumpkins. toward someplace. Since I'm smaller I feel large fingers on my shoulder keeping me in my place.
Minutes later I'm transfer to a more powerful on a huge beattle. Once again I lay on the mane as powerful fingers grip and squeeze my bare ass. The messenger ghoulie continues through the bizarre Halloween like erotic jungle.
A dark castle looms in the distance and it draws quickly closer. We arrive in the surreal courtyard where a dark figure with glowing eyes scopes me out.
"Ah you captured the rare Toy of Earth," her voice echos. '
The strange beautiful tall and regal stares back licking her lips.
Minutes later the mysterious witch of this jungle how has me for her own whims and Shan is stone stature...
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