Wednesday, July 13, 2022

No Escape For This Toy

 The Vartek Temple near a shimmering lake somewhere in the Erotic Toyverse several twilight midnights later. 

I manage to escape from Queen Shan but not for long. I had made it across a small stream away from the temple. Still nude soaken wet, I manage the bizarre neon lilies to get as far from the crazy cult as I can. I know others in the erotic jungle would get thier paws on me and I'd rather take that risk. I had made it half way through the lilies toward the jungle when a rude awakening hit. 

Several Vartek ugly beasties with glowing eyes quickly surrounded me. As I stood nude in the moonlight,the ugly beasties with big hands seized me. I struggle as the Vartek beastie tied my wrists behind my back and I stood with my dork showing always. 

Quietly the Vartek Beasties march me back toward the dreaded dark temple. I feel the large fingers on my shoulder as they take glee in recapturing me. They tease me of the Queen's great plans of sacrifice as I march barefoot and submissively. All I know this gang would kidnap and sell me if they had the chance. 

Moments later...

The beasties march up a stone staircase toward the the royal chambers. I have no idea how Queen Shan is going to react except she's going to be satisfied to her man toy back. Once in the open chamber I'm schackled between two large ancient columns with in the Queen's chambers. 

"You shouldn't have escaped me my toy." Queen Shan murmurs as she stares at me with her seductive hypnotic eyes. "You're going to be my sacrifice little one." 

I didn't say anything instead she kisses me hard on my lips. This time I didn't have choice. They wanted me to raise thier god whatever it is....

Captured by Orcs

 Deep in the erotic vast Toyverse jungle somewhere near some ruins...  Yaela, the mysterious queeen of a mysterious realm in the halloween j...

Altar of Sacrifice