Sunday, September 6, 2020

Toy of Davina

 The erotic Toyverse jungle a few hours later...

The two goblin tribesman steered me down another unfamiilar path when they intentionally let their tribe move ahead. Strange eerie crys fill the night which can make on shudder for the cries are unearthy. Strange tall shadows fight among each other as if for control. Yet the creatures themselves are surreal and unworldly at best. 

"Stop" The neferious goblin orders. 

I do so. The other hidious goblin with his ugly face stares back with a quiet intelligence. As my old bonds are replace with new ones. The goblin like the fact I'm like some small nude doll at thier disposal. Yet they don't harm at me at all. I figure they want to keep me for themselves but it appears they're working for a higher force which some role the creatures play here. Still somehow or other I manage to survive this crazy strange new world. As we march down the footpath, gradually I notice the surreal flowers rise in various sizes. The taller roses and tropical like flowers which have fallen are like the the huge erotic shaped jungle trees which dwarf me in size. Sometimes the feeling can weird. 

Seconds later we emerge in a clear moonlit crearing with strange tropical flowers. I see a hardbod redhead figure stand regal against her hidious looking wasp. "Ah you kept the bargain and I found that rare earth toy." 

"Yes,Davina we have." 

I stare at her with fascination. I feel her eyes searching me and she smiles with a certain delight. 

"Bring him." 

One of the goblins breaks and marches me toward her. She built like Nena buxem yet with a balance proportional. Her red/yellow cape gives her a seductive queen like look. She licks her red lips as her eyes stare in mine with a triumph delight. The goblin hands me over and Davina gives them thier payment and the two stange goblins disappear like ghosts into the jungle. 

Davina climbs on her powerful hidious wasp. She grabs me and places me near and close as possiple. I hear a strong hmmm wings as we ascend into the surreal color night. I feel Davina's powerful grip on my bare ass. 

"My Chuck of Earth how rare you are," she says as she nibbles on my ear. "My your so tasty my little toy. So tasty." 

She and I disappear in the night....fate is a funnything in this Toyvere. 

Captured by Orcs

 Deep in the erotic vast Toyverse jungle somewhere near some ruins...  Yaela, the mysterious queeen of a mysterious realm in the halloween j...

Altar of Sacrifice